Home Exhibitions Previous Exhibitions “The Truthful Eye” The Museum in the Second Degree A new hanging of the collection, until 5 January 2025 ‘Matthieu Laurette: a retrospective as derive (1993-2023)’ Exhibition from 21 October 2023 to 3 March 2024 General Curator Nicolas Surlapierre Curated by Cédric Fauq Coordination Julien Blanpied The MAC VAL is welcoming Matthieu Laurette for a retrospective covering thirty years of artistic production and introducing a set of new works and interventions. Born in Val-de-Marne in 1970, Laurette is (…) ‘Human Autonome: Déroutes’ Exhibition from 26 April to 22 September 2024 Exploratory and forward-looking, the programme of temporary exhibitions continues to focus on the processes by which contemporary identities and bodies are constructed, in an attempt to reflect on reality and, ultimately, to propose new scenarios and new ways of inhabiting the world. « True Stories » Curator: Frank Lamy, assisted by Julien Blanpied Lighting design: Serge Damon This new group exhibition brings together works by some forty artists and several generations. Continuing the exploration of the construction of the Subject, pursued in our temporary exhibitions since 2005, ‘True (…) “L’avant-dernière version de la réalité” “The Penultimate Version of Reality” Exhibition by Brognon Rollin, 7 March to 31 January 2021 Curated by Julien Blanpied and Frank Lamy, assisted by Ninon Duhamel New angles on the collection « With Bare Hands » Hanging of the collection 2022-2023 Until 2 April 2023 « Rose is a rose is a rose Anthology until it went all the way around » 24 December 2022 to 14 May 2023 « Paraboles » 7 January to 30 April 2023 « With Bare Hands » Hanging of the collection 2022-2023 Until 2 (…) Nil Yalter, “TRANS/HUMANCE” Nil Yalter, “TRANS/HUMANCE”Solo show, 5 October 2019 to 9 February 2020Opening 4 October 2019, 6.30 pm Gözde Ilkin Artist’s residency June-July 2019 Exhibition “MAC VAL Garden”, 5 October 2019 to 5 January 2020 as part of the exhibition of the collection “Persona grata?” Hugo Aveta Artist’s residency, August–October 2019Exhibition “La fascination de la faille”, 5 October 2019 to 5 January 2020, as part of the exhibition of the collection “Persona grata?” Monographic exhibition « Quelques bribes arrachées au vide qui se creuse » by Taysir Batniji Ending 9 January 2022 MAC VAL is presenting the first monographic museum by Taysir Batniji, bringing together a selection of over fifty works produced over the last twenty-five years. Melanie Manchot exhibition « Open Ended Now » From 20 October 2018 to 24 February 2019Opening on Friday 19 October, 6:30pmCurator Frank Lamy assisted by Julien Blanpied “Lignes de vies - une exposition de légendes” “Lignes de vies - une exposition de légendes”, (Lifelines – an Exhibition of Legends)30 March to 25 August 2019 « Les racines poussent aussi dans le béton » Kader Attia Exhibition from 14 April to 16 September 2018.Opening on Friday 13 April, 6:30pm. “Persona grata ?” Until 5 January 2020Opening Friday 4 october, 6.30 pm “Le vent se lève” “The Wind is Rising” New hanging of the collectionStarting 7 March 2020 « All In One Plus Three » From 21 October 2017 to 25 February 2018.Opening on Friday 20 October, 6:30pm « Tous, des sang-mêlés » Group showFrom 22 April to 3 September 2017 Exhibition by Jean-Luc Verna A highlight of this autumn’s programme at MAC VAL is the Jean-Luc Verna show being held in the temporary exhibition space. « 6 mètres avant Paris » Exhibition by Eustachy Kossakowski From 22 April to 28 May 2017 Opening on Friday 21 April 2017, 6:30pm 157 photographs from the collection of the Musée Nicéphore Niepce On the occasion of the “Grand Paris” Month of Photography Paris, PARIS! The promised land, the Grail of those who run away (…) Pierre Ardouvin, ‘Tout est affaire de décor’ Exhibition by Pierre Ardouvin 16 April – 4 September 2016 Curated by: Alexia Fabre and Frank Lamy with the assistance of Julien Blanpied Lightings: Serge Damon Editing and production assistance: Artfrontline The next big event at the Musée d’Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne is a solo show by (…) « Chercher le garçon » A group exhibition of male artists. Tania Mouraud, “ AD NAUSEAM ” To start the fall season, MAC/VAL is presenting “AD NAUSEAM”, a solo exhibition of Tania Mouraud, a major figure in French contemporary art whose art poses questions about the human condition. This exhibition will include work co-produced with Ircam-Centre Pompidou, monumental hangings on the (…) Dominique Blais, “Les Grands Verres” ‘Born in 1974, Dominique Blais works on the sensorial and physical perceptions experienced by viewers in light and sound installations which play on the combination of the visible and invisible, the audible and the inaudible.’ (Raphaële Jeune) This is the first time the artist’s work has been (…) Esther Ferrer, « Face B. Image / Autoportrait » To launch the 2014 season, the MAC/VAL is honoring Esther Ferrer, pioneer of action and performance art, in a solo exhibition based on her self portraits created since the 1970s. Bringing together installations, videos and over a hundred photographs, the present exhibition reveals how aspects of (…) Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil, « INCLUDE ME OUT » Artist Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil (born 1968) is an artist of vigilance. Since the mid-1990s he has been working to reveal the invisible structures informing our relation to a real that is always already mediatised. He tirelessly probes the production of the image, considered in its political space. Ange Leccia, «Logical Song» Ange Leccia is a major artist, one of the pioneers of video art in France. Since the early 1980s, his work has explored the human dimension through the combination of light and images. For the MAC/VAL he has conceived a new work, a piece in which he evokes the important films in his life. Charles Fréger “Wilder Mann” Extension of the exhibition until June 30th. On the occasion of the inauguration of the Briqueterie, the Val-de-Marne’s new Center for dance development, the MAC/VAL (Museum of Contemporary Art of the Val-de-Marne) is holding an exhibition of work by the photographer Charles Fréger. Situated (…) « Émoi & moi » Extension of the exhibition until may 19th. In relation with the fifth hanging of the works in the permanent collection, titled ‘Vivement demain’ [’Waiting on Tomorrow’], which explores the myth of the visionary artist, ’Émoi & moi’ [’Emote To Me’] continues along the lines laid down by the (…) Fabrice Hyber, « Prototypes d’Objets en Fonctionnement (POF) » Starting October 20, at the MAC/VAL, Fabrice Hyber will present his complete collection of POF (Prototypes d’Objets en Fonctionnement) created between 1991 and 2012, including Ballon carré2 - POF 65, Oto - POF 87, an automotive pushmepullyou; and Ted Hyber – POF 51. These are just three among (…) Situation(s) [48°47’34’’ N / 2°23’14’’ E] From June 30th to September 16th 2012The MAC/VAL (Museum of Contemporary Art of the Val-de-Marne) is holding a special exhibition bringing together works by ten artists focusing on questions including: – How can the body be the focus of affirmation or resistance? How does one find one’s place in the world as an artist, and in a larger sense, as an individual? How can artists position themselves as subjects in relation to the Other? INFORMATION FICTION PUBLICITE (IFP) From 03/10/2012 to 06/03/2012For the first time in France, MAC/VAL is presenting a group of works by the group INFORMATION FICTION PUBLICITE (IFP). Created around an original concept that updates certain historical works and favors new combinations, the exhibition will highlight the ways in which, beginning in the 1980s, IFP anticipated and questioned the domain of the possible in art. Jesper Just, The Unknown Spectacle From 10/22/2011 to 02/05/2012For this autumn, 2011, while Paris is applauding international artistic creations, the Val-de-Marne contemporary art museum in Vitry-sur-Seine sets the pace with the first monographic exhibition in a French museum of the Danish artist Jesper Just. Itinéraire bis From 06/25/2011 to 09/18/2011With “Itinéraire bis”, MAC/VAL presents an exhibition making us dream of upcoming holidays. Eric Duyckaerts From 04/05/2011 to 06/05/2011With “ ’idéo”, from March 5 to June 5, 2011, the contemporary art museum in the Val-de-Varne presents its first great monographic exhibition within a French museum to one of the leaders in performance art. Let’s dance From 10/22/2010 to 01/16/2011“Let’s Dance” is of course a reference to the famous soul-oriented album by David Bowie in 1983. An invitation? A summons? Strangely enough, this title sounds incredibly similar to the slogan chanted by Act Up: I’ll go dancing anyway! Because here it’s definitely a form of resistance. Emporte-moi From 05/07/2010 to 09/05/2010The season for lovers starts on May 7 at the MAC/VAL! Frank Lamy and Nathalie de Blois, the exhibition organizers for, “Emporte-Moi/Sweep me off my feet”, declare: «the theme could initially appear uninteresting (…) but it has uncontested depth. Christian Boltanski From 01/15/2010 to 03/28/10At the beginning of 2010, Christian Boltanski - invited by the Head Curator Alexia Fabre - creates and implements the second part of his exhibition-event. Simon Starling From 09/18/2009 to 12/27/2009Simon Starling, one of the most audacious artists in the international scene, has a choice position in this new cultural year at the museum. Noël Dolla From 03/06/2009 to 08/02/09With “Léger vent de travers”1, the MAC/VAL proposes the first great exhibition in France Noël Dolla, from March 6 to August 2, 2009 in Vitry-sur-Seine. Nathalie Talec From 11/10/2008 to 01/25/2009This first retrospective of Nathalie Talec, a French artist born in 1960, retraces 30 years of a creative and artistic adventure. FRAC From 07/04/2008 to 08/31/2008The whole FRAC collection in and around Paris (or nearly). Claude Closky From 03/28/2008 to 06/22/2008Working from within, Claude Closky arranges, classifies, inventories, orders, disorders and disorganises the representational and organisational systems of the world, pushing their logic to their point of collapse. Mark Wallinger From 02/29/2008 to 06/22/2008The British artist Mark Wallinger, latest winner of the Turner Prize, has installed his sensational work State Britain at the Mac/Val. Stardust ou la dernière frontière From 08/04/2007 to 01/13/2008The title “Stardust” is in reference to both David Bowie during this Ziggy Stardust period, and quite simply, space. Claude Lévêque From 05/19/2006 au 09/10/2006The title sets the tone: Le Grand Sommeil, by Howard Hawks (1946), archetype of the American film noir, presents the fictional and artificial world at stake in the work by Claude Lévêque. Jacques Monory From 11/18/2005 to 03/26/2006For the opening of this two-part exhibit, carte blanche is given to two major artists of the French and international art scene.
Home Exhibitions Previous Exhibitions “The Truthful Eye” The Museum in the Second Degree A new hanging of the collection, until 5 January 2025 ‘Matthieu Laurette: a retrospective as derive (1993-2023)’ Exhibition from 21 October 2023 to 3 March 2024 General Curator Nicolas Surlapierre Curated by Cédric Fauq Coordination Julien Blanpied The MAC VAL is welcoming Matthieu Laurette for a retrospective covering thirty years of artistic production and introducing a set of new works and interventions. Born in Val-de-Marne in 1970, Laurette is (…) ‘Human Autonome: Déroutes’ Exhibition from 26 April to 22 September 2024 Exploratory and forward-looking, the programme of temporary exhibitions continues to focus on the processes by which contemporary identities and bodies are constructed, in an attempt to reflect on reality and, ultimately, to propose new scenarios and new ways of inhabiting the world. « True Stories » Curator: Frank Lamy, assisted by Julien Blanpied Lighting design: Serge Damon This new group exhibition brings together works by some forty artists and several generations. Continuing the exploration of the construction of the Subject, pursued in our temporary exhibitions since 2005, ‘True (…) “L’avant-dernière version de la réalité” “The Penultimate Version of Reality” Exhibition by Brognon Rollin, 7 March to 31 January 2021 Curated by Julien Blanpied and Frank Lamy, assisted by Ninon Duhamel New angles on the collection « With Bare Hands » Hanging of the collection 2022-2023 Until 2 April 2023 « Rose is a rose is a rose Anthology until it went all the way around » 24 December 2022 to 14 May 2023 « Paraboles » 7 January to 30 April 2023 « With Bare Hands » Hanging of the collection 2022-2023 Until 2 (…) Nil Yalter, “TRANS/HUMANCE” Nil Yalter, “TRANS/HUMANCE”Solo show, 5 October 2019 to 9 February 2020Opening 4 October 2019, 6.30 pm Gözde Ilkin Artist’s residency June-July 2019 Exhibition “MAC VAL Garden”, 5 October 2019 to 5 January 2020 as part of the exhibition of the collection “Persona grata?” Hugo Aveta Artist’s residency, August–October 2019Exhibition “La fascination de la faille”, 5 October 2019 to 5 January 2020, as part of the exhibition of the collection “Persona grata?” Monographic exhibition « Quelques bribes arrachées au vide qui se creuse » by Taysir Batniji Ending 9 January 2022 MAC VAL is presenting the first monographic museum by Taysir Batniji, bringing together a selection of over fifty works produced over the last twenty-five years. Melanie Manchot exhibition « Open Ended Now » From 20 October 2018 to 24 February 2019Opening on Friday 19 October, 6:30pmCurator Frank Lamy assisted by Julien Blanpied “Lignes de vies - une exposition de légendes” “Lignes de vies - une exposition de légendes”, (Lifelines – an Exhibition of Legends)30 March to 25 August 2019 « Les racines poussent aussi dans le béton » Kader Attia Exhibition from 14 April to 16 September 2018.Opening on Friday 13 April, 6:30pm. “Persona grata ?” Until 5 January 2020Opening Friday 4 october, 6.30 pm “Le vent se lève” “The Wind is Rising” New hanging of the collectionStarting 7 March 2020 « All In One Plus Three » From 21 October 2017 to 25 February 2018.Opening on Friday 20 October, 6:30pm « Tous, des sang-mêlés » Group showFrom 22 April to 3 September 2017 Exhibition by Jean-Luc Verna A highlight of this autumn’s programme at MAC VAL is the Jean-Luc Verna show being held in the temporary exhibition space. « 6 mètres avant Paris » Exhibition by Eustachy Kossakowski From 22 April to 28 May 2017 Opening on Friday 21 April 2017, 6:30pm 157 photographs from the collection of the Musée Nicéphore Niepce On the occasion of the “Grand Paris” Month of Photography Paris, PARIS! The promised land, the Grail of those who run away (…) Pierre Ardouvin, ‘Tout est affaire de décor’ Exhibition by Pierre Ardouvin 16 April – 4 September 2016 Curated by: Alexia Fabre and Frank Lamy with the assistance of Julien Blanpied Lightings: Serge Damon Editing and production assistance: Artfrontline The next big event at the Musée d’Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne is a solo show by (…) « Chercher le garçon » A group exhibition of male artists. Tania Mouraud, “ AD NAUSEAM ” To start the fall season, MAC/VAL is presenting “AD NAUSEAM”, a solo exhibition of Tania Mouraud, a major figure in French contemporary art whose art poses questions about the human condition. This exhibition will include work co-produced with Ircam-Centre Pompidou, monumental hangings on the (…) Dominique Blais, “Les Grands Verres” ‘Born in 1974, Dominique Blais works on the sensorial and physical perceptions experienced by viewers in light and sound installations which play on the combination of the visible and invisible, the audible and the inaudible.’ (Raphaële Jeune) This is the first time the artist’s work has been (…) Esther Ferrer, « Face B. Image / Autoportrait » To launch the 2014 season, the MAC/VAL is honoring Esther Ferrer, pioneer of action and performance art, in a solo exhibition based on her self portraits created since the 1970s. Bringing together installations, videos and over a hundred photographs, the present exhibition reveals how aspects of (…) Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil, « INCLUDE ME OUT » Artist Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil (born 1968) is an artist of vigilance. Since the mid-1990s he has been working to reveal the invisible structures informing our relation to a real that is always already mediatised. He tirelessly probes the production of the image, considered in its political space. Ange Leccia, «Logical Song» Ange Leccia is a major artist, one of the pioneers of video art in France. Since the early 1980s, his work has explored the human dimension through the combination of light and images. For the MAC/VAL he has conceived a new work, a piece in which he evokes the important films in his life. Charles Fréger “Wilder Mann” Extension of the exhibition until June 30th. On the occasion of the inauguration of the Briqueterie, the Val-de-Marne’s new Center for dance development, the MAC/VAL (Museum of Contemporary Art of the Val-de-Marne) is holding an exhibition of work by the photographer Charles Fréger. Situated (…) « Émoi & moi » Extension of the exhibition until may 19th. In relation with the fifth hanging of the works in the permanent collection, titled ‘Vivement demain’ [’Waiting on Tomorrow’], which explores the myth of the visionary artist, ’Émoi & moi’ [’Emote To Me’] continues along the lines laid down by the (…) Fabrice Hyber, « Prototypes d’Objets en Fonctionnement (POF) » Starting October 20, at the MAC/VAL, Fabrice Hyber will present his complete collection of POF (Prototypes d’Objets en Fonctionnement) created between 1991 and 2012, including Ballon carré2 - POF 65, Oto - POF 87, an automotive pushmepullyou; and Ted Hyber – POF 51. These are just three among (…) Situation(s) [48°47’34’’ N / 2°23’14’’ E] From June 30th to September 16th 2012The MAC/VAL (Museum of Contemporary Art of the Val-de-Marne) is holding a special exhibition bringing together works by ten artists focusing on questions including: – How can the body be the focus of affirmation or resistance? How does one find one’s place in the world as an artist, and in a larger sense, as an individual? How can artists position themselves as subjects in relation to the Other? INFORMATION FICTION PUBLICITE (IFP) From 03/10/2012 to 06/03/2012For the first time in France, MAC/VAL is presenting a group of works by the group INFORMATION FICTION PUBLICITE (IFP). Created around an original concept that updates certain historical works and favors new combinations, the exhibition will highlight the ways in which, beginning in the 1980s, IFP anticipated and questioned the domain of the possible in art. Jesper Just, The Unknown Spectacle From 10/22/2011 to 02/05/2012For this autumn, 2011, while Paris is applauding international artistic creations, the Val-de-Marne contemporary art museum in Vitry-sur-Seine sets the pace with the first monographic exhibition in a French museum of the Danish artist Jesper Just. Itinéraire bis From 06/25/2011 to 09/18/2011With “Itinéraire bis”, MAC/VAL presents an exhibition making us dream of upcoming holidays. Eric Duyckaerts From 04/05/2011 to 06/05/2011With “ ’idéo”, from March 5 to June 5, 2011, the contemporary art museum in the Val-de-Varne presents its first great monographic exhibition within a French museum to one of the leaders in performance art. Let’s dance From 10/22/2010 to 01/16/2011“Let’s Dance” is of course a reference to the famous soul-oriented album by David Bowie in 1983. An invitation? A summons? Strangely enough, this title sounds incredibly similar to the slogan chanted by Act Up: I’ll go dancing anyway! Because here it’s definitely a form of resistance. Emporte-moi From 05/07/2010 to 09/05/2010The season for lovers starts on May 7 at the MAC/VAL! Frank Lamy and Nathalie de Blois, the exhibition organizers for, “Emporte-Moi/Sweep me off my feet”, declare: «the theme could initially appear uninteresting (…) but it has uncontested depth. Christian Boltanski From 01/15/2010 to 03/28/10At the beginning of 2010, Christian Boltanski - invited by the Head Curator Alexia Fabre - creates and implements the second part of his exhibition-event. Simon Starling From 09/18/2009 to 12/27/2009Simon Starling, one of the most audacious artists in the international scene, has a choice position in this new cultural year at the museum. Noël Dolla From 03/06/2009 to 08/02/09With “Léger vent de travers”1, the MAC/VAL proposes the first great exhibition in France Noël Dolla, from March 6 to August 2, 2009 in Vitry-sur-Seine. Nathalie Talec From 11/10/2008 to 01/25/2009This first retrospective of Nathalie Talec, a French artist born in 1960, retraces 30 years of a creative and artistic adventure. FRAC From 07/04/2008 to 08/31/2008The whole FRAC collection in and around Paris (or nearly). Claude Closky From 03/28/2008 to 06/22/2008Working from within, Claude Closky arranges, classifies, inventories, orders, disorders and disorganises the representational and organisational systems of the world, pushing their logic to their point of collapse. Mark Wallinger From 02/29/2008 to 06/22/2008The British artist Mark Wallinger, latest winner of the Turner Prize, has installed his sensational work State Britain at the Mac/Val. Stardust ou la dernière frontière From 08/04/2007 to 01/13/2008The title “Stardust” is in reference to both David Bowie during this Ziggy Stardust period, and quite simply, space. Claude Lévêque From 05/19/2006 au 09/10/2006The title sets the tone: Le Grand Sommeil, by Howard Hawks (1946), archetype of the American film noir, presents the fictional and artificial world at stake in the work by Claude Lévêque. Jacques Monory From 11/18/2005 to 03/26/2006For the opening of this two-part exhibit, carte blanche is given to two major artists of the French and international art scene.